Click Here scroll down to LOCATION and enter the Longitude and Latitude of the property.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to get the location correct as we use these coordinates in the "GEO MAP" on your website.
To get the correct coordinates go to google, enter in your address in the search and then select "Maps"
Confirm this is where the property is located, then right click to reveal the coordinates as shown below.
Once the coordinates are visible, left click and save them to your clipboard. Enter them into the system
Note: The coordinates will look like this 42.83034386431211, 1.6193079999999997
Cut and paste the first number into the Latitude field and then cut and paste the second number into the longitude field, remove the ","
Click Here and scroll down to LOCATION and enter the Location Description.
This text is used within the presentation of the property on your website, so take time to get this right, tell your potential clients what the location of the property is like.
The is very important for SEO purposes.
You also see in the Graphic the language tags, if you are using a multilingual site you will need to enter the Content in English and then in the other languages, the above example shows Greek and Dutch as the additional languages.