Click Here to begin your Room Configuration
Before we go into detail we need to explain how we define a room.
In a "Multiroom Property" such as a Hotel, a room is just that a room.
In a "Single Room Property" such as an apartment a "Room" within the system is in effect the whole property.
The example below is a Gite in France, so a "Single Room Property"
Click Here to create a "Name" for each room, you can set an "Internal Name" for you own use and a "Display Name" for use on the website.

Click Here to create a Display name scroll down to BOOKING ENGINE AND DESCRIPTIONS

This needs to be done for all your rooms, take your time, make sure the room names are easy to understand, not too long and are spelt correctly.
As there are presented on the website make sure that you have the same structure for all names, i.e start with a Capital letter for example.